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First dietary supplement in Europe to contain lunasin – a unique protein and the first discovered epigenetic food that has awakened people’s hopes for a long healthy life and the first dietary compound with an identified epigenetic mechanism of action.
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Packaging: 60 caps

Benefits: Lysozyme is present in our digestive tract, which is safe for our body. Now that an increasing number of pathogenic strains become resistant to antibiotics, lysozyme supplementation can be important for improving immunity.


Lunasin is a peptide of vegetable origin. It is the first and only known epigenetic food – it means it can influence the increase of gene activity and their qualitative progression. Studies confirm the anti-cancer properties of lunasin. The preparation contains exclusively lunasin isolated from organic varieties of soya not genetically modified.

Lunasin is not responsible for allergic reactions caused by soy products. It also has no effect on the hormonal balance, as it is not associated with phytoestrogens in any way.

The epigenetic nature of lunasin comes from the fact that, even though it is not capable of changing our DNA code, its systematic supply to the body has a positive influence on our DNA expression. Good changes are quickly noticed by the users of lunasin, take place on a cellular level and are inherited! This makes lunasin supplementation popular not only among people who look after their health, but also among couples planning to have a child.


Lysozyme (also called muramidase) is one of the base enzymes for the body’s immunity, which is hardly present in our everyday diet and is therefore so sought after in supplementation.

It was first described by Alexander Fleming, who considered lysozyme (a basic factor in the innate immunity of all living organisms), not penicillin, as his greatest discovery. Its functions are still being discovered, and the most important of them is a strong bacteriostatic activity, which is particularly high when muramidase is combined with lactoferrin. The synergistic antibacterial effect of these two proteins was identified, among other things, in the milk of breastfeeding mothers.

Lysozyme is present in our digestive tract, which is safe for our body. Now that an increasing number of pathogenic strains become resistant to antibiotics, lysozyme supplementation can be important for improving immunity.


Beta -glucans – polysaccharides extracted from the walls of yeast cells Saccharomyces cerevisiae are the most important components of dietary fibre. Awareness of the need to supplement the diet with substances that constitute food essence is currently growing most dynamically for β-glucans.

Beta -glucans strengthen the body’s first line of defence, the macrophages. They increase the activity of immune cells, increasing their ability to fight intruders. They also affect the rate of blood production in the bone marrow. In addition, they regulate the absorption of glucose, so that after a meal there is no large whole sugar in the blood.


All three components of LunaCol are substances extensively described in literature, indicating their health-promoting properties. This applies in particular to lunasin, a peptide that intrigues outstanding researchers from the fields of biology, medicine and genetics. People who learn about these properties see the benefits of using this supplement systematically and for many years.


LunaCol is a pioneering product, one of the world’s trend-setters in supplementation.

Recommended daily intake: 2 capsules – 1 in the morning, 1 in the evening before meal.


Additional information

Weight0.060 kg


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